Pantesan akhir akhir ini dapat laporan kalau google apps free mail untuk domain hanya bisa create email 10 account, ternyata memang benar pas gw coba untuk set salah satu domain ke google apps sudah terlihat keterangan:
You can create up to 10 user accounts for this organization. If you would like more users, please purchase Google Apps for Business.
dan kalau gw cari cari info beritanya menyebutkan sudah hampir sebulan ini:
As of May 10, any organization that signs up for a new account will be required to use the paid Google Apps for Business product in order to create more than 10 users. We honor our commitment to all existing customers and will allow you to add more than 10 users to your account for [domain name edited out] at no additional charge, based on the limit in place when you joined us.
Beruntunglah yang duluan domainnya didaftarin 😀 , dulu pernah bisa sampe ratusan account email, terus 50 , dan sekarang 10 account.